xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#' Kryssie Fortune: A Chance to meet Old Friend - Best Selling Books of the 20th Century #amreading #books

Thursday 15 February 2018

A Chance to meet Old Friend - Best Selling Books of the 20th Century #amreading #books

Books have magic in them. I’ve read, or maybe looked at pictures in, books since I could walk.
I’m always looking for new authors, but maybe it’s time I looked back at some best sellers from the 20th Century.


The only book I recognized from the bestseller lists was from 1902, when Conan Doyle gave us The Hound of The Baskervilles

Winston Churchill – Britain's greatest leader—had books in the fiction best seller lists, but to my shame, I’d never heard of them.

 Owen Wister’s book, The Virginian was a best seller in 1901-1902. The first true cowboy book, it opened up a whole new genre.


In 1911 Frances Hodson Burnett gave us The Secret Garden

Later, this became the decade of the war poets – Siegfried Sassoon among them.

 But death replied: “I choose him.” So he went,
And there was silence in the summer night;


Zane Grey built on the genre Owen Wister had started, having a cowboy story in the bestseller lists every year of the decade. 

My personal favorite of the Decade? When We Were Very Young by AA Milne—but then I’m a sucker for Pooh Bear.


How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie was a non-fiction best seller.

The book of the decade had to be Gone With the Wind by Margret Mitchell. 

I’m happy to report that I’ve read both.


Ernest Hemmingway’s For Whom the Bell Tolls, John Steinbeck’s Grapes of Wrath were big hitters at the start of the decade.

 One non fiction best seller I picked up from my mother’s bookcase. Betty MacDonald’s The Egg and I made me laugh out loud.


Daphne Du Maurier featured in the decades early lists.

DH Lawence burst on to the scene with Lady Chatterly’s Lover.

Boris Pasternack gave us Dr. Zhivago.


Harper Lee penned To Kill a Mockingbird and Harold Robins gave us The Carpet Baggers.

Ian Fleming’s Man with the Golden Gun and You Only Live Twice both appeared in the best seller charts.

By the end of the decade, Michael Crichton had a best seller with The Andromeda Strain


The decade kicked off with Love Story by Erich Segal and John Fowler’s The French Lieutenant’s woman

Frederick Forsyth had bestsellers with The Day of the Jackal, The Odessa File  and The Eagle has Landed. 

In 1979 Sophie’s Choice by William Styron was the years second best seller.


Robert London gave us The Bourne Identity then Steven King terrified us with Pet Semetary.

Jackie Collins and Danielle Steel dominated the saga market while Lois L’Amour picked up the torch for cowboy romance.

 Thrillers were a big hit, with Tom Clancy having the bestselling book of 1989 – Clear and Present Danger

 And finally to the 1990’s

Danielle Steel had best sellers every year of this decade.

We were still wowed by Steven King. 

John Grisham burst onto the scene. His book, The Testament was the best seller of 1999

That was a whistle-stop tour. 
I hope it brought memories of great books.
It certainly did for me. 
Any I’ve missed, please add them in comments.
I’d love to know your favorite 20th Century book. 

About Kryssie Fortune

If you love sexy vampires, possessive werewolves, muscular fae, and ancient Gods, Kryssie’s your girl. Her Otherworld—a place of magic, not machines—stems from local legends and myths. Scattered Siblings is a series of stand-alone books, set there.
The Heroes of Westhorpe Ridge is a series about former military men making a new life in Westhorpe Ridge, North Carolina. Although the stories are interlinked, each can be read as a stand-alone romance.
Kryssie’s a Yorkshire lass, and she’s lucky to live within driving distance of Whitby—the home of all things paranormal and strange. A chunk of To Break a Warrior King’s Curse and To Mate a Werewolf are set there. It's also where Bram Stoker penned Dracula.
She loves mythology and visiting ancient sites although she hasn’t any Yorkshire werewolves—yet.
Kryssie’s pet hates are unhappy endings and cliffhanger endings. 

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